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The Trauma Specialist

Niche – Somatic Experiencing


Brian D. Mahan, SEP, was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in 2003. He suffered daily from 7 to 10 full-blown panic attacks, following a catastrophic automobile accident. After just a few sessions with a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), he was completely symptom-free. He immediately contacted The Somatic Experiencing Training Institute and committed to study the lifework of Dr. Peter A. Levine.

For the next three years, Brian studied the physiology of stress and trauma and continued to receive personal sessions. He quickly discovered that healing trauma of one event had a global effect on other events, as well. In essence, he set out to resolve panic attacks as a result of a car wreck and, simultaneously, found relief and broke free from habituated lifelong patterns that were related to developmental traumas.


Brian now helps other trauma survivors who struggle at times with stress, anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD. He specializes in working with both developmental traumas (birth traumas, abuse and neglect, attachment/detachment issues, etc.) and shock traumas (divorce, loss, falls, car wrecks, medical procedures, acts of violence, rape, torture, near-death experiences, etc.).

Brian is an educator, author and practitioner in private practice. He is also a guest lecturer, assists Maggie Kline, Senior Faculty Member at The Somatic Experiencing Training Institute, and holds retreats and seminars, focused on re-establishing a sense of safety and re-awakening embodiment through healing stress and trauma.


Somatic Experiencing” (SE) is a short-term, naturalistic approach, developed by Dr. Peter Levine, to renegotiate and heal both shock and developmental trauma. SE employs the awareness of body sensation to safely and gradually allow the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to unwind, discharge, reorganise and return to resilient homeostasis.

Stress, anxiety, panic and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are oftentimes misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and mistreated. In the U.S. alone, 42 billion dollars per year is spent on the treatment of PTSD. And, women are twice as likely to suffer then men. However, men are less likely to seek treatment.

The ANS and lower brain’s fight/flight/freeze response, otherwise known as ‘survival instincts’, is how we are physiologically hard-wired for survival. Consequently, stress and trauma occur in the body, not in the event, as they are the body’s reactions to past, unresolved “threatening experiences.” Although there may be psychological implications, trauma is inherently a physiological condition.

The word “trauma,” unfortunately, overshadows the intricacies and insidiousness of the long-term effects of dis-regulated autonomic nervous system, whether said threat were real or perceived. Sometimes these unresolved physiological events can remain dormant in the body for years before becoming triggered again.

The easy way to differentiate stress from trauma is that any event is considered traumatic when the symptoms of arousal (reaction) don’t settle, even after the threat has passed.

The results of this body/mind therapy include relief from stress, anxiety, panic attacks, hyper-vigilance, habits and addictions, patterns and cycles of self-sabotage, and dissociative behaviours. It brings on a sense of reawakening and access to instincts which elicit feelings of groundedness, centredness, boundaries, empowerment, being “in the moment”, safety and joyfulness.


Brian offers session both face-to-face for local clients and by phone and Skype for clients nationwide and internationally.

Areas of Focus/Expertise

Body Centred Therapist

Specialising in helping survivors of past traumatic events to feel safe, joyful and in control of their lives again by guiding them through a proven, simple process to fully resolve stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and P.T.S.D.

Fees & Availability

Face to Face in Los Angeles, Ca (occasionally offer house visits at extra cost, please enquire)
£80/$125 per session
£325/$500 per 5 sessions (£65/$100 per session)

Telephone & Skype

£65 per session
£250 per 5 sessions (£50 per session)

Instant Chat

£65 per session
£250 per 5 sessions (£50 per session)


£50 for up to 3 emails


£50 for up to 20 texts

Available 7 days per week. Availability will differ week to week so please check my Booking Schedule.

Training & Qualifications

  • 10 years experience as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, having completed a three year training program through The Somatic Experiencing Training Institute
  • Assistant to Senior Faculty Member of SETI, Maggie Kline, training psychotherapists and body workers to effectively work with trauma
  • Guest speaker and lecturer at University and Counselling Centres

Creator and facilitator of three workshops:

Embodied Meditation in group settings

  • Understanding Stress and Healing Trauma
  • Imagine FEELING Grounded, Centered, Boundaried, Embodied, Empowered, In the Moment, Safe and Joyful
  • Exploring Physical and Energetic Boundaries – The Art of Self-Preservation


Somatic Experiencing brings relief from stress, anxiety, panic attacks, habits and addictions, dissociative behaviours and much more. I focus on re-establishing a sense of safety and re-awakening embodiment through healing stress and trauma.

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