Posts Tagged ‘WILL COLE’
DR. WILL COLE – The Natural Health Specialist
Niche – Functional Medicine
Dr. Cole focuses his efforts to clinically investigate underlying factors and customise health programs for his patients. He specialises in chronic conditions such as thyroid issues, autoimmune problems, fibromyalgia, food intolerances, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, diabetes and heart disease.
Based around cutting-edge science, functional medicine provides a system to understand and look at chronic illnesses, from allergies to anxiety; diabetes to depression; heart disease to hypertension and much more.
Dr. Cole consults locally in Pittsburgh and phone or webcam consultations for people around the world. When millions of people around the world are left with very little options in the mainstream system, are told to take a drug, weight, and go home and live with it, Dr. Cole offers answers as to why you feel like way you do, why you are going through what you are going through, and provides you with sustainable health solutions.
The core concept of functional medicine is that chronic illness is an outcome of imbalances in the key underlying physiological systems in your body. When inflammation, insulin resistance, blood sugar imbalance, oxidative stress, hormonal problems, and systemic upset occur the body spirals out of balance.
This in conjunction with poor diet, deficiency of essential nutrients, stress, lack of exercise, environmental toxins, and other lifestyle factors allow chronic illness to set in.
Functional medicine offers a means to rebalance the body’s physiological systems and address the lifestyle factors that contribute to disease. This allows the body’s natural healing forces to resolve complaints naturally and quickly, often without the need for costly drugs and surgeries.
Dr. Will Cole, D.C, is uniquely skilled and highly experienced at finding the core physiological, hormonal and biochemical causes which underlie many illnesses. He has cut loose from the limiting approach of “standard care,” which usually calls upon pharmaceuticals as a first defence against diseases, without a real investigation into the root causes and contributing factors of an individual’s ailments.
Once he finds out the objective data, the doctor customises a clinical nutrition program for patients. With customised diets and condition-specific supplements, the programs are tailored to individual patients’ unique physiology.
He uses breakthrough diagnostic testing and analysis that’s rarely carried out in conventional settings to uncover the hidden causes of why people aren’t feeling as well as they’d like. Dr. Cole takes great pride in delivering personalised healthcare treatment as well as providing an environment that supports and inspires patients to turn their health around.
Fees & Availability
Dr. Cole takes on a limited number of patients at this time, choosing to devote his time to the people he knows he can help. Programs are designed to be educational, coaching and clinical in nature. Programs range in price depending on the complexity of the case, but we never turn anyone away because of money. The application process to see if Dr. Cole would be able to help you would start with a Free Health Evaluation via phone or Skype.
Training & Experience
Dr. Cole graduated from Southern California University of Health Sciences in Los Angeles, California. He holds his post doctorate education and training in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition.
He has been featured on several television programs, including Pittsburgh news affiliates WTAE-TV, KDKA-TV and WPGH-FOX, and is a health writer for international publications as well as lecturing nationally.