Posts Tagged ‘smoking cessation’
The Detox Specialist
Niche – Hypnotherapy/ Hypnoanalysis
· Anxiety and panic attacks
· Phobias
· Issues with self worth, self esteem and building confidence
· Emotional issues
· Chronic stress
Hypnosis is very relaxing, and that in itself has many benefits. The more I work with the mind, the more I am in awe of its power.
My interest lies in getting to the root cause of problems and clearing it rather than treating the presenting symptom/s. This quote offers a good analogy – “Problems can be reduced to a few core elements. It’s like looking down into a weed infested pond”.
“At the surface it looks dense and impenetrable, but look below the surface and you’ll find everything at the surface is connected to just a few roots. You can spend forever hacking at the surface tangle but, sever the roots and everything clears.”
This is the therapy I practise.
Trained as a psychotherapist but finding from experience, hypnotherapy to be more effective as it helps clients tap into the power of their mind to bring about the desired change.
In talking therapies, the conscious mind with its limitations prevails but in hypnosis the vast, infinite, inner mind is activated, hence changing for the better is easier and quicker.
Having practised hypnotherapy for 18 years, most clients come to see me mainly because:
- They want to stop what they are currently doing/feeling – for example smoking, comfort eating, drinking too much alcohol, feelings of shame or guilt OR
- They want to do/have something that’s currently missing – for example play better golf, have peace of mind, the confidence to succeed, to be happy.
From years of experience working with clients, I find alcohol abuse, comfort eating, smoking are some of the techniques clients have used to get away from the nebulous ‘dis-ease’, ‘that’s inside themselves but outside their control.’ But these distractions are only temporary, what is needed is to find the root cause of the symptoms so they dissipate from the mind body system.
My goal is to help clients understand and safely release the emotions from their past, (generalized free floating anxiety) so that they can live adaptively in the present, whilst reaching out confidently for a brighter and happier tomorrow.
I offer a free 20 minutes consultation in North London to answer any questions or concerns about hypnosis as well as to discuss techniques that will best achieve the clients’ goals.
My therapy is client centred, I am also trained in NLP (neurolinguistic programming, Ericksonian hypnoisis, eclectic psychotherapy and emotional freedom techniques (EFT) and educational kinesiology.
Fees & Availability: Tuesdays and Thursdays – 9am – 7pm
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays – evenings only.
Sessions cost £85. I give concessions to the aged, young and unemployed, just let me know during our free consultation.
Training & Qualifications
M.A in Liguistics (University of London)
Diploma in Psychotherapy ahd Hypnosis (Psychotherapy and Hypnosis Training Association)
Diploma in Hypnoanalysis (HCB – Neil French, Bournemouth)
Diploma in Ericksonian Hypnosis, NLP and Psychotherapy (British Hypnosis Research)
Diploma in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (N-SHAP)
Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma in association with NCFE and NCH
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Levels 1 & 2
Brain Gym (Educational Kinesiology)On going professional and personal development.
Workshop:- Self Hypnosis for Change
Term time only: Thursday evenings at the Central YMCA, Tottenham Court Road, from 6.30pm – 8.30pm.
Course content:
· Relaxation techniques
· Myths and misconceptions about hypnosis
· What is hypnotherapy?
· Understanding how the mind works and ‘mind power’
· Looking at the nature of thoughts and affirmations
· How suggestions work and how to give them to yourself
· Harnessing the power of the mind to change for the better
This is an experiential workshop where you can experience hypnosis as a group before learning how to guide yourself safely and effectively into this rewarding and relaxing experience to make effortless change.
For more information please visit: