Aug 26 |
Uncategorized |
Rachel Cooke |
Depression in Teens can be a hard one to spot. How many times have you heard teachers or parents say their teenager is just going through a phase, they’re just a bit moody, and...
Jan 26 |
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P-Therapy |
Month after month, year after year, I get new clients (and new trainee counsellors) saying within their first few sessions, if not on the first day – “Well, Audrey,...
Nov 18 |
Blog |
Rachel Cooke |
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.” (Serenity Prayer) Sarah and...
Sep 16 |
Therapy Issues |
Rachel Cooke |
Overview Transactional Analysis or TA draws its roots from traditional psychoanalysis, and many psychoanalytic concepts remain in the approach. For instance, both approaches...
Sep 15 |
Therapy Issues |
Rachel Cooke |
Overview Most people think of the symptoms of depression or anxiety as individual problems. The same goes with problematic members of the family, such as a delinquent son or a...
Sep 11 |
Therapy Issues |
Rachel Cooke |
The Modelling Approach Overview You’ve probably heard of, and met, some highly effective and successful people. Even by observing them from afar, you know there’s something...
Sep 8 |
Therapy Issues |
Rachel Cooke |
The Customised Approach Overview People are complex, and consequently personal issues raised during therapy can be multifaceted and intricate. You may, for example, be highly...
Sep 5 |
Therapy Issues |
Rachel Cooke |
The Meaning of Life Approach Overview Crisis situations, whether situational or developmental, bring about difficult questions. Is there meaning to life? What is the point of...
Jul 30 |
Blog |
Rachel Cooke |
Feelings like sadness, anger, resentment, guilt are normal in everyone’s life. They come and go, mildly affecting your everyday life. The key is that they come and go. When...